Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Have dinosaur, will doodle

I have this weird habit where I doodle dinosaurs on all my test papers. Well, usually just one dinosaur per test. Dinosaurs can be super territorial, or so movies would lead me to believe.

As someone who used to be a perfectionist, I feel like I owe instructors something when I feel like I didn't do so well on an exam, or even if I do feel pretty good about it but fear the possibility that I'm completely off my rocker and accidentally read all the questiosn backwards. So I draw them a dinosaur. Not an outrageously accurate one. Most of the time I don't even shade. I'm almost sure no actual dinosaur ever looked as lumpy or apologetic as my dinosaurs turn out. But it feels like I'm writing my own extra credit question and answering it correctly.

Draw a dinosaur for extra credit.


I have not yet collected conclusive evidence that the inclusion of a dinosaur doodle improves my test grades. There's even the marginal possibility that I'd do better if I used my dinosaur doodling time to review my answers one more time or attempt to properly answer questions that I BS'd the first time through due to utter cluelessness. But for now, I am going to operate under the assumption that these dinosaurs are awesome and they put a smile on graders' faces and convince them to be a little more forgiving when they're marking my test papers.

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